Working with Excel XLSX programmatically | FileFormat.Cells
An introduction to FileFormat.Cells – an open-source C# Excel API that lets users create, view, and edit spreadsheets seamlessly & programmatically. Overview Goodbye to the repetitive tasks and welcome to the FileFormat.Cells to achieve spreadsheet automation. Empower your .NET application with an open-source C# Excel API that is easy to use and offers features to create, view, and edit Excel XLSX files programmatically. Above all, FileFormat.Cells is based on OpenXML and is powered by Microsoft.
How to Insert Table Headers in Word Documents
Follow this blog post to learn how to add table headers in Word documents programmatically. FileFormat.Words offers rich table creation & manipulation methods. Overview Data tables are critical elements in MS Word documents. Working with tables is a routine task but what if there are a number of documents with multiple data tables involved? Of course, some sort of automation will badly be needed to automate the repetitive tasks to save time and boost productivity.
How to Move a Table in Word Documents Programmatically
Install FileFormat.Words library to automate the creation & manipulation of Docx/Docs files. Use this open-source API to learn how to align table in Word files. Overview Welcome to another interesting blog post on FileFormat.Words for .NET. There are many articles published on this open-source API that you may find here. This library has the potential to create and manipulate MS Word documents in a C# application. However, we already have covered how to create Tables in Word documents using FileFormat.
How to Align text in Word Documents Programmatically
Simplify Word Document text alignment. Learn programmatic alignment with FileFormat.Words API – open-source and robust. Enhance your formatting now. Overview Welcome to another tutorial where we will delve into the world of .NET with FileFormat.Words. In this article, our focus will be on aligning text in Word documents programmatically.Aligning text in Word documents programmatically can be a powerful way to customize the appearance of your documents directly from your .NET applications.
How to Insert Paragraph in Word Documents
Install this open-source C# library to insert text into Word documents programmatically. FileFormat.Words is an OpenXML-based API for word document automation. Overview MS Word documentation automation is no longer a difficult task after the advent of this open-source C# library. FileFormat.Words is a robust .NET library powered by OpenXML. This open-source .NET API is a free library built to create and manipulate Word documents programmatically. Moreover, it not only lets users add paragraphs but also lets users add other elements such as Tables, Images, and more.
How to Perform Find and Replace in MS Word Tables using C#
Replace text in Word documents using FileFormat.Words. Use this free & open-source .NET API to perform search and replace text programmatically. Overview In a recent blog post, we discussed how to open a Word document using FileFormat.Words API. This article will cover how to perform find and replace in MS Word tables using C#. Before going forward, please also visit our blog post where you will discover how to programmatically create tables in Word files using FileFormat.
А Brief Оverview оf Wоrd Рrосessing Fоrmаts
А ****wоrd prосessing file соntаins user infоrmаtiоn in рlаin text оr riсh text fоrmаt. А рlаin text file fоrmаt соntаins unfоrmаtted text аnd nо fоnt оr раge settings etс. саn be аррlied. In соntrаst, а riсh text file fоrmаt аllоws fоrmаtting орtiоns suсh аs setting fоnt’s tyрe, styles (bоld, itаliс, underline, etс.), раge mаrgins, heаdings, bullets аnd numbers, аnd severаl оther fоrmаtting feаtures.
The use оf рlаin text files hаve reduсed signifiсаntly with раssаge оf time аs there аre mоre роwerful соmрuters аnd рrоgrаms аvаilаble tо оffer riсh text files рrосessing.