
Top 5 File Formats for EBook and How to Find Best One for You

Introduction In this modern era, knowledge and its access are at the distance of your fingertips. Through internet access, there are thousands of books one can read and make life more wonderful by the knowledge written by spectacular authors. Handheld devices such as smartphones and tablet pcs support several eBook file formats to provide a fantastic way of reading digital books online. There are different formats available on the internet for reading eBooks (electronic books) online.
September 17, 2021 · 4 min · Samii Cheema

EPUB vs PDF: E-Publishing File Formats

With the increase in usage of smart devices, digital documents are replacing printed copies of the same. The ease of reading the content on your smartphone or tablet gives you freedom from carrying the hard copies of content everywhere. Several digital file reading formats are available for use, with eBooks taking an important role. PDF and EPub are the two most popular eBook file formats that are widely used for reading digital content.
April 8, 2019 · 3 min · Kashif Iqbal