JPEG Files Explained – Everything You Need to Know
In this blog, we’ll discuss various questions about JPEG images that might come to mind. By the end, you’ll have answers to all your queries about JPEG. So, without further delay, let’s dive into these questions and explore everything you need to know about JPEG!
What is JPEG? What is JPEG meaning? What is JPEG used for? What is the difference between JPEG and JPG? How does JPEG work? JPEG vs PNG JPEG vs GIF What are advantages of JPEG?
JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format
What is JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format? The JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) is a type of image file format that adds extra features to the basic JPEG format. It’s recognized under some technical standards, but basically, it helps handle things like resolution, aspect ratio, and color better than the original JPEG format. Even though it’s not the very first JPEG standard, it’s still commonly used and labeled as “image/jpeg.
Difference between BMP and PNG
BMP and PNG are two of the most common image file formats that you’ll encounter while working with images. Both have been frequently used in desktop and web applications until replaced by other modern image file formats such as WebP. But what’s the difference between them? Our previous blog post, BMP vs APNG, compared BMP and APNG file formats. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the characteristics of BMP and PNG file formats, and discuss the difference between these two.
Raster VS Vector Images: A Brief Comparison
Visual representation or designs on some surface, such as a screen, wall, stone, canvas, or paper to inform, illustrate, or entertain is usually called image or graphic. Various types of graphic or images can be found in this modern era, but let’s compare Raster and Vector types of images.
What is the difference between vector and raster image files? It is a general questions asked by newbie designers or others who create and print artwork.
APNG vs BMP: Which Image file format is better?
APNG vs BMP; both of these formats are types of image files. Images are used in our commonly handles gadgets like computers and smartphones etc. Usually, users do not pay attention to the specific types of file extensions they use. These extensions are considerable in saving and opening files on different devices if you know the basic info about them.
Both of these formats APNG and BMP can be converted into other formats which are more popular according to a specific use.
Survey: Image File Formats for Web
The importance of images can easily be estimated by the famous quote that says “An image is worth a thousand words”. The presence of images on a webpage plays an important role in attracting visitors by giving an idea about the contents of the page. It won’t be wrong to say that contents of a page go hand in glove with images to give a clear idea of what it is all about and that is why several image file formats have been introduced with the passage of time.
Image File Formats
You must have heard the famous English language-idiom which says “A picture is worth a thousand words”. These pictures in computer world are represented by image file formats that are standardized means of organizing and storing digital images. Such images can be stored in various formats that are defined by characteristics such as compression, quality, color and others. The image quality and size is subject to the file format in which it is saved.