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Web File Formats
The Web file format category on includes file formats that are commonly used for storing such files. Let us have a look at some of these file formats.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the extension for web pages created for display in browsers. Known as language of the web, HTML has evolved with requirements of new information requirements to be displayed as part of web pages. The latest variant is known as HTML 5 that gives a lot of flexibility for working with the language. HTML pages are either received from server, where these are hosted, or can be loaded from local system as well. Each HTML page is made up of HTML elements such as forms, text, images, animations, links, etc. These elements are represented by tags such as , , and several others where each tag has start and end. It can also embed applications written in scripting languages such as JavaScript and Style Sheets (CSS) for overall layout representation.
ASP stands for Active Server Pages which is a development framework for creating web pages. It enables computer code to be executed by an internal server to serve the web requests. When a request is generated for an ASP file by web browser, the server reads the the file and executes any code/script inside it to generate the HTML result which is returned to the browser for display. Unlike HTML pages, which are static pages served by the server, ASP files generate dynamic contents at runtime that may involve requests to data from a database. ASP pages typically use the .asp extension rather .html. Since code/script inside an ASP file is executed on the server side, requesting browser can’t see the code used to build the served page. All modern browsers are capable of displaying pages generated as result. Being built on Microsoft technology, pages built with ASP are hosted on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) servers.
Files with MHTML extension represent a web page archive format that can be created by a number of different applications. The format is known as archive format because it saves the web HTML code and associated resources in a single file. These resources include anything linked to the webpage such as images, applets, animations, audio files and so on. MHTML files can be opened in a variety of applications such as Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word. Microsoft Windows uses MHTML file format for recording scenarios of problems observed during the usage of any application on Windows that raises issues. The MHTML file format encodes the page contents similar to specifications defined in message/rfc822 which is plain text email related specifications. The actual specifications of the format are as detailed by RFC 2557.
File Format Resources
File Format News – Your one stop for all the news related to file formats from around the world
File Format Forums – Post your queries in file format forums to get useful information from file format experts and community users
File Format Wiki –Explore file format categories for information about various file formats